Holiday Overindulgence? Next Day Detox Plan

The holidays are the most wonderful time of the year! They're also the time when we tend to overeat, make not so nutritious choices, and have the least time to work out. So how do you recover when you've eaten too much?A healthy eating plan to get back on track the day after holiday overindulgence or to detox and jumpstart a healthy diet

Every choice matters

Don't be all or nothing when it comes to your eating habits. Even if you overindulge at an office party, you can still balance the your overall calorie intake that day by eating a light dinner. You can enjoy some special treats, but it doesn't make sense to go completely overboard.

Take a walk

You'll immediately feel better if you get moving and breathe fresh air. Physical activity will help you expend some of the extra calories and re-balance. You can also try one of these other 65 Ways to Burn 100 Calories.

Drink plenty of water

Drinking plenty of water, 64-100 ounces, each day is a must for being healthy. After you overeat, make sure drinking water is a priority, and possibly up your intake. This will help your system to flush out and get back on track.

Next day healthy eating plan

  • Upon waking: Hot water with lemon. Optional: Add 1-2 TBS apple cider vinegar, a dash of cinnamon, and little honey to taste for a greater detox effect.
  • Breakfast: Spinach egg white (2-3 egg whites) scramble topped with avocado slices
  • Lunch: Vegetable or lentil soup with an apple
  • Early afternoon: Hot water with lemon. Optional: Add 1-2 TBS apple cider vinegar, a dash of cinnamon, and little honey to taste for a greater detox effect.
  • Snack: 1 oz almonds
  • Dinner: Grilled or baked chicken breast, steamed green vegetable like broccoli or asparagus, tossed salad with balsamic or olive oil dressing

::Throughout the day: Drink water and herbal teas. NO SODAS!!! No carbonated beverages, flavored drinks, or juices. Stay away from all artificial sweeteners.::Get a good night's sleep and plenty of rest throughout the day.::Perform moderate intensity exercise like walking, strength training, yoga or Pilates.Could you eat this way every day? It would probably get boring, but this healthy whole food meal plan is doable for 1-2 days and will help you reset your eating plan, get back on track, and jumpstart a commitment to a healthier diet.


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